How to Fly With Toddlers and Young Kids: 7 Tips for Success
Flying with small children can be a daunting task. Before you even board with them you can feel stressed at the fact that you will be in a metal tube for however many hours it takes. Of course, you can de-stress beforehand by getting a hot stone massage in Portland, OR (or elsewhere), to prepare yourself. But with a little preparation and know-how, it can be a very fun experience and a lot less stressful. In this article, we’ll outline some tips on how to make flying with toddlers and young kids as smooth as possible.
Let Them Play Before Boarding the Plane
Letting toddlers and young kids play in the terminal before boarding the plane is beneficial. The physical activity of running, climbing, and engaging in imaginative play can help regulate their senses. This gives them a better chance for a successful flight.
Playing allows children to release nervous energy and heavy emotions before boarding the plane. It is a precious opportunity to connect and bring balance while preparing them for the journey. Letting them play also provides some precious peace for accompanying adults. Giving kids plenty of time to play helps them to board the plane happily and have a fun and safe flight.
Seat Them in the Middle of the Seat
When flying with toddlers and young kids, seat your toddler or young child in the middle of the seat. Positioning your child between two adults will provide extra security for them. It will also give extra comfort to those around them. With older kids, it is often possible to seat them on either end of a row. But with a toddler, the center seat allows for more visible control of their movements and more physical protection from their surroundings.
Furthermore, the middle seat also offers the potential for more gender parity in the seating arrangement. It allows each adult to help with childcare duties and makes the flight more equitable for everyone.
Bring Along Plenty of Snacks and Drinks
Flying with toddlers and young kids can be a stressful experience. One thing that can help make the journey much smoother is making sure you bring along plenty of snacks and drinks for your little one. This ensures that your child has no reason to get irritable or be disruptive.
Healthy snacks like granola bars, nuts, and mixed berries are great options. Bringing along their favorite drinks will make them feel safe and comfortable during the flight as well. You can even bring fun grab-and-go snacks that your kids can enjoy in the air or at the airport. Being prepared with snacks and drinks is going to make flying with toddlers and young kids a much better experience.
Make Sure They Know How To Buckle Their Seatbelts
When flying with toddlers and young kids, it is especially important to make sure that they know how to buckle their seatbelts. It is vital to talk to them before boarding the plane and show them exactly how to do it. Explain to them that they must keep their seatbelt buckled until the plane stops moving after it has landed. Teach them how to put the seatbelt around their waist and how to pull it tight. Show that if they can fit two fingers underneath the belt then it is not buckled tightly enough.
You should also explain the importance of following the safety instructions given by the flight attendants. Bear in mind that your kid should always keep their seatbelt on, even when asleep. Doing so will ensure the safety of your little one and give you peace of mind while flying.
Keep Them Occupied
When flying with toddlers and young kids, it is important to keep them occupied as much as possible. You can do this by talking to them. The conversation is a great way to pass the time during a flight and keep young minds engaged. Additionally, take the opportunity to engage them in some fun songs and games. Singing along to some of the songs, interacting by playing games, or even watching a movie together can keep the mood upbeat.
If you want to nod off for a while, then you could give the kids your phone and let them solve puzzles or play some small games on portals similar to Wacky Kids Games. This should keep them quiet and busy for a while and free up some time for you to rest.
Be Prepared if Your Child Becomes Motion Sick During the Flight
When flying with toddlers and young kids it’s important to be aware of the potential risks of motion sickness. It is common for children to become motion sick due to the change in cabin pressure and turbulence. If your child becomes motion sick during the flight, it is important to try to give them fluids such as water and sports drinks. Try to keep them calm and reassure them that everything will be okay. Be sure to have any medication needed for nausea and motion sickness ready, just in case it does occur. It can be helpful to talk through the flight process with your child. Let them know the expectations so that they are more prepared if the symptoms of motion sickness occur.
Additionally, if a flight attendant is available, it’s wise to let them know that your child may be at risk of motion sickness. This will ensure that any extra help or attention can be given if it happens.
Make Sure You Know the Emergency Evacuation Procedures
You need to make sure you are aware of the emergency evacuation procedures for your airline in case something goes wrong on board the plane. Listen carefully to the pre-flight instructions from the flight attendants. And if possible, get a printed copy of the procedures from the airline to keep on hand during the flight.
Make sure the children are familiar with the procedure. Also, instruct them not to touch any of the emergency equipment and to only exit the plane when instructed to do so. Ensure that each child has emergency contact details on them at all times.